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"The number of milliseconds it takes for an ICMP
echo request to respond. IcmpEchoReq is
-1 if there is an internal error,
-2 if the echo request timed out,
-3 if the echo reply is not the correct reply,
-4 if the packet size is too large, and
-5 if the timeout is invalid.
To request the ICMP response time for IP address
a1.a2.a3.a4 with a timeout of t and a packet size of s,
send a request for icmpEchoReq.s.t.a1.a2.a3.a4.
For example, suppose one wanted to find out the number
of milliseconds it took to ping, with time
out of 8 seconds, and packet size of 75. Accordingly,
icmpEchoReq. would identify the number
of milliseconds.
This MIB object is there only to provide for backward
compatibility. A new MIB object is provided which does not
violate the SNMP standards too,
This new MIB object is recommended to be used to achieve the
same funtionality as provided by this (icmp.icmpEchoReq)
MIB object."

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Parent OID: icmp(7) Next sibling OID: icmpEchoReqTable(2) Last sibling OID: icmpEchoReqTable(2)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 18 Dec 2017 Bullet Page top